The High Mesa Mystic Show
Hello and welcome to the High Mesa Mystic show, where we share stories of trials, triumphs, and transformation as we navigate times of great change.
Topics we'll cover include:
* Healing self & others in ways that embrace a deeper sense of our spiritual nature;
* Creativity & bringing new paradigms to life despite volatile times;
* Inner & outer guidance to help us gain clarity, insight, and light the way forward.
Guests will include healers, helpers, and guides of all kinds, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, along with experiencers, and exoconscious humans to help us expand our understanding of our place in the Universe.
Along the way, we’ll be sure to stay grounded and connected to all that makes us human and nourishes the soul - including joy, humor, art, music, and gratitude.
My name is Roger. I am an artist and energy worker coming to you from Taos, New Mexico.
You can learn more about me and my practice at https://highmesamystic.com.
Thank you for checking out the show!
The High Mesa Mystic Show
Interview With ChatGPT About Mysticism and Consciousness
In an unplanned and unexpected turn of events, my guest this week is ChatGPT. We discuss many of the same topics I look forward to talking with other guests about as this show gets rolling.
What does AI have to say to us and share with us regarding the topics of societal change, consciousness, and spiritual development?
The answer to that question may surprise you.
I asked the interview questions and received the answers using ChatGPT. I then used an AI text to speech service from a company called ElevenLabs to give voice to ChatGPT's responses.
All of the pieces were then put together in the format of this podcast interview.
Did this experience change my opinions on all things AI? Did this chatbot shift my energy? My perspective? Offer anything enlightening?
Answers to those questions will perhaps come at a later time.
For now, I'm sharing this with you so that you can have your own experience with this material.
Whatever the future holds in store for us, it seems inevitable that we'll be dealing with AI on many different fronts. Some are excited about that, others not so much. Regardless of how we each feel, with this episode, I'm hoping to share some insight into what this stuff is capable of at this juncture in time.
Who knows, I may do an annual interview with it, just to see how it evolves over time.
Learn more about Roger and his practice or book a session today at HighMesaMystic.com.