The High Mesa Mystic Show
Hello and welcome to the High Mesa Mystic show, where we share stories of trials, triumphs, and transformation as we navigate times of great change.
Topics we'll cover include:
* Healing self & others in ways that embrace a deeper sense of our spiritual nature;
* Creativity & bringing new paradigms to life despite volatile times;
* Inner & outer guidance to help us gain clarity, insight, and light the way forward.
Guests will include healers, helpers, and guides of all kinds, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, along with experiencers, and exoconscious humans to help us expand our understanding of our place in the Universe.
Along the way, we’ll be sure to stay grounded and connected to all that makes us human and nourishes the soul - including joy, humor, art, music, and gratitude.
My name is Roger. I am an artist and energy worker coming to you from Taos, New Mexico.
You can learn more about me and my practice at https://highmesamystic.com.
Thank you for checking out the show!
The High Mesa Mystic Show
Interview with Rachel White, the Skeptical Shaman
In episode 4, we are joined by Rachel White.
Rachel is known as “The Skeptical Shaman” for her inherent pragmatism and intellectual curiosity.
In today’s episode, we cover a wide range of topics including:
- Some of the differences between empaths and shamans
- The upcoming full moon in Libra
- The exile we may experience on the spiritual journey
- The importance of saying what we see instead of pretending it’s not happening
In addition to her shamanic practice and TOTEM Tarot Readings, here are a few other products and services from Rachel:
- TOTEM Tarot Deck -- Rachel and artist Emma Cook have created and recently released the TOTEM Tarot Deck, available now on Amazon.
- TOTEM Flower Essences -- Rachel "handmakes TOTEM Flower Essences from organic seed through to the final tincture, applying intentional shamanic energy at every step of the process".
- Rachel has a great Substack
Learn more about Rachel's services and products by visiting her website at https://www.totemreadings.com
Learn more about Roger and his practice or book a session today at HighMesaMystic.com.