The High Mesa Mystic Show
Hello and welcome to the High Mesa Mystic show, where we share stories of trials, triumphs, and transformation as we navigate times of great change.
Topics we'll cover include:
* Healing self & others in ways that embrace a deeper sense of our spiritual nature;
* Creativity & bringing new paradigms to life despite volatile times;
* Inner & outer guidance to help us gain clarity, insight, and light the way forward.
Guests will include healers, helpers, and guides of all kinds, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, along with experiencers, and exoconscious humans to help us expand our understanding of our place in the Universe.
Along the way, we’ll be sure to stay grounded and connected to all that makes us human and nourishes the soul - including joy, humor, art, music, and gratitude.
My name is Roger. I am an artist and energy worker coming to you from Taos, New Mexico.
You can learn more about me and my practice at https://highmesamystic.com.
Thank you for checking out the show!
The High Mesa Mystic Show
Interview with artist & musician Timmie Boose
In this episode, we chat with Timmie Boose about some of her experiences as a musician and artist living and working in places like Cleveland, Los Angeles, and now Tampa Bay.
We get to learn more about two beloved characters Timmie has developed - Monster in the City and Ghost Cat.
We discuss one of Timmie's biggest sales stemming from her creative life, and last but far from least - a highly unusual encounter with a succubus?
And what about those gold shoes? So weird!
Cover art: I Am Thunder by Timmie Boose
All the Timmie Links:
- About Timmie: https://taboosegraphics.com/about
- Art & stuff: https://taboose.wixsite.com/website-1
- Adulting for Artists podcast: https://taboose.wixsite.com/website-1/podcast
Two Other Podcasts We Mentioned:
- 3 Point Perspective: The Illustration Podcast - https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/jgi28-6a545/3-Point-Perspective-The-Illustration-Podcast
- Aliens and Artists from Stuart Davis - https://aliensandartists.podbean.com
Book Mentioned by Timmie:
How To Write a Novel in 20 Pies: Sweet and Savory Tips for the Writing Life by Amy Wallen, Emil Wilson - https://www.amazon.com/How-Write-Novel-20-Pies-ebook/dp/B0B762ZHGC
Learn more about Roger and his practice or book a session today at HighMesaMystic.com.